(Why do I believe in The Graph?)
First mover advantage
Is there another effort or block chain which has created such a cohesive approach to supporting Web 3.0? There are supporting technologies but nothing that goes to the heart of what people globally require: authentic, honest information. Making that easy to obtain is the key to The Graph’s attractiveness.
With this first mover advantage The Graph is likely to attract a lot of talent, talent necessary to drive the required future development.
The technical supremacy of the solution
The graph is not one dimensional, far from it. It is a well considered, mathematically rigorous solution that organizes and motivates the contribution from a wide cast of players.
The way it stimulates this involvement is very much critical to The Graph’s success. Identifying information sources, making a real sense of these and enabling a wide range of users to make easy use of them is the key. Providing such information in appropriate combinations adds to the attraction. The Graph excels in ensuring that the participants in doing this are encouraged and economically rewarded. In this way, end users get what they want: reliable, fresh, accurate information in return for micro payments.
Respecting the value of information
Today there is a stark contrast between recognising the value of information and ensuring that the people actively involved in the generation and delivery of if are appropriately rewarded. An increasingly limited number of large commercial enterprises currently service information in return for commercial gain. This is something which often delivers results that are obfuscating at best and sometimes downright wrong. How many times have you enquired about a consumer product only to be diverted to a website which may be difficult to navigate or simply unable to provide you with what you really wanted?
Nothing of value comes easily
Grasping the value of The Graph is something that you have to work at. Nothing of value comes easily and no one can say that The Graph is absolutely straightforward. This is one of the endearing features. Such effort is encouraged and rewarded. The community is one of the most supportive we have experienced. There is no such thing as a daft question and people are ready to help each other out. To that extent it is a learning community. This is something that The Graph team have fostered and exemplified from the start with a series of educational podcasts. Delivered authoritatively and with clear explanations by capable and knowledgeable individuals, this ensured that the community learned… learned fast… and continues to learn.
Competitive education
This education was weaved into an incentivised competition in the form of The Curator program, with over 1500 participants. Great education resources and some tight deadlines resulted in a spirit of collaboration in which participants helped each other. They even produced more educational material. It was humbling to see this produced in so many languages.
Demonstrably useful
The Graph’s testnet has now transitioned quite quickly into mainnet. Again The Graph has shown considerable vision in bringing the new decentralized network online whilst keeping the original hosted service running in parallel until all Subgraphs can be slowly and safely migrated across.
Is everything about The Graph perfect? No it isn’t, some aspects need further work. Is it well positioned to get that work done and continue to usefully grow? Yes it is!
LunaNova are an independent and experienced UK operation running sophisticated blockchain infrastructure to make cryptoassets work. We deploy our own closely-monitored, enterprise-grade hardware in two high-availability datacentres and carefully design our systems to provide multiple-layers of redundancy.
Limiting our focus to truly innovative blockchains enables a better understanding of their nuances and a more meaningful contribution to their long-term value through development and governance participation. Our ongoing investment in resources outside of the major cloud-providers improves network decentralization and robustness, both key drivers of protocol value.
To see the networks we support and how we can help token holders earn competitive and reliable returns, please visit our website: https://lunanova.tech